Friday, January 11, 2008

Conversation with Paige

Today Paige and I have a little chat during lunch. :

Paige: I'm not going to have even one snack today.

Me: Really?

Paige: I'm not going to watch any TV either.

Me: Really? Why?

Paige: If you watch too much TV and snacks then you won't get strong and healthy

Me: Do you want me to turn a movie on for you?

Paige: Sure!

1 comment:

aLi said...

She sounds like she means well, at least, right? I think every single one of your kids is so stinkin' cute! Your girls are going to be charmers and the boys will be heart breakers. Maybe the other way around, too. Congratulations (in reference to your Preston post) on ReCoVERY!!! I'm so happy for you. If I don't see you through the week I'll see you through the window!
By the way, I need to get your e-mail address so you can look at my blog while you're breastfeeding. I changed my privacy settings because somebody I don't know left a random comment. :S