Don't worry I will be posting Paige's birthday post soon, I just wanted to get my Halloween pictures up, so that my family can see how cute their grandbabies (or nieces and nephews) were.
Halloween actually went well. No one was lost, no one ate poisoned candy... yet, There were no tears!
To be honest Halloween isn't my holiday. I have several neighbors that love the holiday. They get all dressed up, they work hard on their costumes or they have great decorations.
At the Wehrmeister house we decorate pumpkins about 4 days before Halloween and then I say "Okay what do you want to be on Halloween."
This year I did plan ahead a little. I knew if I gave Paige a Barbie Castle Diamond Princess Dress for her birthday, that she would want to wear it for Halloween. I was right! (One down 3 more to dress.)
Kelly was Dorothy last year, and I bought the costume a little big so that it would last. SO That's what she wanted to go as again! (Halfway done now)
Preston's costume was on sale last year. I got it at Gymboree for $4.95.

Tommy didn't have a choice, since Preston was a pirate that's what Tommy was going to be too.
They are the super cutest pirates I have seen. Tommy does a really good Aaarrgh, for his pirate impersonation. Preston kinda just sits and smiles, but we love him anyway.
Here is Mr. Preston and his Hayden. As soon as we put Hayden in with him he started smiling and laughing. It will be sad when we have to leave all of these great people. Built in best friends on every corner. Who could ask for more.

This is my "Little bit of Crazy"

This is the best picture I got of all 4 of them.