Over our Labor Day weekend we were SUPPOSED to go to
Nauvoo with our friends the
Burnesons. The Man (James) decided that we weren't worth spending that much gas money on, so his wife Emily came up with a new plan, a plan that I thought was a bit Crazy...
(This is a reenactment, some word might have been changed, because my memory is no longer the Gem it used to be)
Emily: Since James said we can't go to
Nauvoo, we have come up with a new plan.
Fabulous Me: What ? (losing faith in the cause)
Emily: You guys can come over Sunday Night and SLEEPOVER!! The whole family. We can put the kids down and play games all night. James will make us a fabulous breakfast Monday morning it will be wonderful!
Jen: What? Are you serious? Emily, you are crazy. (really believing for a split second that my sweet dear friend who just had a baby might be losing it)
Emily: What! No it will be a blast! Just you wait. If you were coming into town to stay with me where would you stay?? At my house!
Jen: That's true... BUT we could just have you guys over to sleep?
Emily: Okay then, we will sleep at your house on Friday Night, and our house on Sunday Night! (she was super duper excited).
Jen: Emily you are crazy! But okay.
Emily: Just you wait Jen, This is going to become the new Hit! Everyone is going to want to have a sleepover at the Burnesons.
So we did it. We went through with it. We had our very first Adult Family Sleepover, and I was WRONG it was a Blast! There were no pillow fights, but we still had tons of pee in your pants moments (Which is all that matters in the life of 2 women with little to no bladder control.)
We played True Colors, Settlers, and the men tried to convince us into a game of Risk.
The kids get around great. The Burneson Boys are great, my girls love them. (Tommy loves everyone so his opinion doesn't really count)
So of course here are some pictures. I hope you can contact Emily and line up your own Family Fun Weekend with the Burnesons! You won't regret it.
I apologize for all the pictures, but I just couldn't narrow it down any further. In fact, once I get some of Em's, I might be back with MORE!

There is really nothing to add about this picture, I think it shows you just how special James is.

Tommy with pants on, I had to put this picture in, because most of the ones with Tommy are of him pottty training, so he is Buffing it alot thse days.

This is who I would choose to walk down a dark alley with. He is the cutest, sweetest, toughest boy around. He will give great hugs and share his crackers with you, but if you turn on him he can take you out in 5 different ways... no joke.

Fountain Running. Since our Fun weekend took place in "The city of fountains" instead of "City Beautiful" I thought it would be appropriate to add some fountains.
How many men does it take to install a baby gate? Just count em!

Although Paige is cute, she is not the "highlight" of this pic, we call it BatMoon. (remember, boy pottytraining)
Thank you Adam, for getting a pull up on our streaker.
late night, pee in your pants laughing
Emily losing... again.
This is the only way to keep the boys contained.
Adam giving James an early morning wake up.