Actually, I'm just being a whiner. I don't actually hate where we live. In fact, it's the opposite. I LOVE where we live. We have had the great opportunity to live in these townhomes surrounded by many other student families (the majority of them are LDS). It's actually like a mini-Provo (it some ways). We have dozens of children playing outside at any given moment. And we usually have 8-10 pregnant women wandering the streets chasing their 8-10 children (OKay, so I'm totally exageratting there, but it sounded more Provo-like).
I will stop rambling as I always do and start to get to my point (Probably will never make it there).
So because 98% of all of these amazing people are students, every year people leave. People Graduate, they say goodbye, they hop in their trucks and drive into the sunset. It stinks. Actually, in the previous years I haven't been too affected. When the people leave, I would watch their trucks leave and kinda think "Oh, they were nice folks." Then I would continue on with my day.
This year I have not been so lucky, this year I have lost an extrodinary friend... and I am sad. I am sad, because I am selfish. Not only was she my great friend, she was part of my day. She was my "Exercising Buddy" (If you call what we did exercise) and She was my eating Buddy (Oh and boy did we know how to do that) .
If either of us were struggling or going through a tough patch, the other one knew it was her responsibility to show up with food... anykind, even if we knew they wouldn't eat it, at least we would get a good laugh out of it.
I'm forgetting a very important part about this. She is the mother of Kelly's BFF. Now these 2 were a piece of work. About 3 times a week they would be upset at each other about something. It was followed quickly by a "Can I go play with...", where suddenly all wrongs were forgotten and the only thing on their mind was who was going to play "MOM" this time.
They whispered secrets in each other's ears, they spent countless hours having "club" outside my house, beneath a jungle gym. They thought they were hilarious. They went into this friendship with honesty. One of the first things I remember hearing Brynn say was, "When my dad graduates, we will be moving". At the time it sounded like such a simple concept. They have talked about it frequently and the fact that they ended up in STL helps, but it still hurts.
So yesterday they left. They got in their big moving van, we all cried, and they drove into their sunset. And this morning I sit where I always have. I stare out my window like usual... but they are not there, they have started the next chapter for their family.
Somehow all 3 of these monsters ended up in the same class? Pretty amazing we thought.

Brynn, Sophie & Kelly there were 10 kids from our townhomes in their Kindergarten Grade

How fun to have your best friend live so close. These 2 were such a fun pair to watch.