Saturday, June 27, 2009

Little Known Fact

One thing that I love about Adam is that if he hears a song that he likes, he just starts singing it. It could be an old favorite or one he's never heard before. He just starts belting it out.

What makes this more fun for me, is that he usually doesn't know the words to the song. So it kinda just sounds like muffled humming with words thrown in here and there. He tries to repeat the words after the singer sings them, but it doesn't always work out the best for him. I mean I get a good laugh out of it, so I guess that's all that really matters.

Just another reason why you have to love Adam.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just a Quick Update

So I'm sure my friends want me to post, so I will... but it's going to be a quick one
  • This week I learned that cell phones can't swim. And that my cell phone doesn't want me to have any friends so AFTER it went swimming in a lake it decided to stop working...

  • If you are my friend, please send me your phone number, because yours have been lost at sea.

  • Adam is doing well at work, no more power outages during root canals.

  • I still have NO friends, BUT I still enjoy talking to myself, so I'm not bored yet.

  • Tommy still misses his friends. He cries for them often. It makes me sad... not sad enough to move back, but still sad.

  • I've picked out a back splash for my kitchen HOORAY!!

  • My children are loud

I think that's it for now.

Over and Out

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So the day could have gone better

So I really didn't think the day would be this bad:

The day was going fine until suddenly our pretty sun disappeared and a huge fast quick storm descended upon my house. (Imagine Winnie the Pooh singing "I'm just a little black rain cloud").

So yes, it starts pouring down rain and then the winds come and then the thunder and lightning. THEN the electricity goes out.

I go outside to see if I can see any down lines or what's going on. Well I walk in the back and something bites or stings me. My arm felt like someone just shocked it, the pain was awful. I try to shake it off, but by the time I get back to the house my arm starts swelling and is breaking out all around the area of attack.

I continue to try to shake it off, because I suddenly realize that it sounds like it's RAINING in my kitchen... hmmm. not a good sound to hear.

The kids are fighting over the 2 flashlights that we have, apparently they didn't think it was fair that I took the big one when I came inside.

I go into the kitchen and sure enough it's raining from one of the lights in the kitchen, (Don't worry since the electricity was out there was no electrical explosions.

Well a girl's gott know when to call it quits, so I call my dad he comes over, takes a look at my arm and says we have to go because it doesn't look good. Well, just as we were pulling out of the neighborhood MY ADAM shows up! HOORAY! It seems the electricity went out at his work (what a great first day.) Apparently he was in the middle of a root canal when the electricity went out.

So actually the whole day wasn't a complete disaster, it was just that everything went horrid for about 30 minutes.

Don't worry though everything worked out

  • Our electicity just came back on!
  • Adam's electicity is still out, so hopefully it will be back in the morning.
  • The roof is fine, it was through a vent that we need to put flashing on
  • Benedryl and Ibprofen helped with the swelling and pain

Let's hope for Sun tomorrow folks.

It's already been 2 minutes.

Dear Adam,
I hope you have a fabulous day at work. I miss you already. It's nice knowing you are right down the street, but I'd prefer if you were right down the hallway.

I've really enjoyed our 3 week "vacation" together. I'm sure you are just happy to be out of our "work in progress" for a few hours each day. I really do appreciate all the work you've done on our house.

Actually I appreciate all the work you've done for the past 29 years. Thank you for not being a wimp, thank you for being a hard worker.

Oh and thank you for being HOT! I could just thank you for being a nice guy, but I think most people can be nice. It takes a special man to be a Hot Tamale!

So after this post, I will have to go and parent my children by myself. I'm going to miss saying "Go ask your Dad", or "Dad, loves changing your diaper" or "Dad would love to take you to to the swimming pool"

So I'm sure I have taken advantage of your time home with me, but it's because I knew this day was coming. The day you would have to go work in the real world. You can't go to school forever... (well I'm sure you could, but I'm not recommending it for you)

Well, I love you baby. Have a fabulous day sitting there... thinking about me... and know that I'm missing you and your help and your hotness!

Love Jerkface.

Doc and Lucy gave the monsters these scrubs. They love them! One side says their name and the other side says, "My dad's a dentist."
I'm just excited that the other side doesn't say "My dad's still a student!" Ahhh... I can't believe he's finally finished.
Adam and his friends. We will miss them (I will miss their wives. ) It's been nice having such a great support system of friends to lean on through this. Everyone goes through it together, and they were all there to help each other.
The first picture is of Adam and Kelly at his dental graduation. The one below it is Adam and Kelly at his BYU Graduation.

Aren't we a sorry sight.