So we all kind of know that the size of girls baby bows is a little out of control. Especially in one state.... Utah. We've all seen it. The first time we see it we think "That mom's crazy". Then the next time we see it we think "Well maybe it's helping the baby with neck strength, and her core muscles".
And we continue to lose our own good judgement. Before we know it we are asking "Where did you get that bow", then we are suddenly wanting to learn how to make those ridiculously large bows. At the peak of this we begin to buy the bows from Etsy shops all over. Then one morning we wake up to find that we have about 50 lbs worth of bows.
I call this disease UBSD. Utah Bow Size Disorder. And I too have fallen into this trap. BUT since I am all about keeping up with the newest and greatest trends, I have started my own. It's now not about size, it's about quantity. Laney will be the hippest girl on the block. And yes the first time you look at this picture you will think "Is it safe for Jennifer to be parenting". But before you know it you will be wanting to know how I came up with such a brilliant plan.

It does take awhile to get the bows on just right. This will help teach your child patience and good head control.