So this month we went to "The happiest place on Earth". It was quite fabulous. I was deprived as a child and didn't have much love in my home, so I have no memories of being hugged by Mickey or celebrating my birthday with Tigger. I digress.
So here we go on the Magical Disney Express
(that's an actual bus you ride from the airport)
This is the view from our balcony. There were zebras and wildebeast, giraffes, ostrich, antelope and the list goes on.
The kids loved eating breakfast on the balcony and watching the animals.

The kids saw this same parade 3 times, but they loved it each time. It's quite magical. That was my favorite part of
Disneyworld. The Magic. Everyone is a prince or princess. The only thing that I wished they had was a "Napping Castle" for all the little princes to sleep when the Clock strikes
noonish. Maybe someday.

Here are the monsters outside the Lego store in Downtown Disney. I told them to give me their best monster face. So this was probably the scariest part of the trip. This is where Tommy got lost. He was playing at the Lego table and thought that we had left so he ran out of the store (with his
legos in hand). It took us at least 15 minutes to find him.
Eventually someone in security walked up to Adam. Tommy had told security that his Dad was wearing an orange shirt. I am so glad that Tommy finally learned his colors.
Most would call these fabulous streamers trash, but not our girl. She kept them for a couple of days, until we finally convinced her to let them go.
We got to meet Donald. Poppy does a fantastical Donald voice, so we thought we'd let him meet him too.
This picture is called "Disney Magic". All of the children walked away winning a prize at Disney's overpriced carnival games at the Animal Kingdom.
AHH!!! Mickey. Adam was at his conference during these pics.
This is one of my favorite Disney pics. Their was a play going on about Dreams coming true, and the kids just loved it. All of them.
We met the whole Cinderella family at a Character dinner one night. The Step-sisters were hilarious. Except that she smiles like me.
First stop: buy the kids some crazy hats for them to wear all week long.
I felt like the best mom in the world when we went into a store and said "Pick out a hat!" It was almost like Christmas... but with a mickey hat.

Paige always says that Jasmine is her favorite. But I'm convinced that it's because she
gets to wear clothes that I won't let Paige wear. Yep I'm pretty sure of it.
Laney came on the trip too. (In case you forgot)
So on our last day at Magic Kingdom we let the monsters get their faces painted. The girls lasted all day, but the boys... were boys.
She looks quite lovely.
So the boys started out as pirates and as they started sweating and wiping their faces they looked more like Pirates of the Caribbean.
Tommy would only get in this picture, because it was with a boy. He was over the whole princess thing.
Here is the wishing well. After we had them make a wish we started leaving. Tommy looked at me and said "It didn't work, I'm not a dragon"
Our last ride of the trip. Snow White's Scary Adventure. This was our second time on it. The first time, Kelly through a fit about not wanting to go because it's called her "scary" adventure.

We got to Celebrate Preston's birthday with the gang from the 100 acre woods (for all of you less
knowledgeable folk that means the Winnie the Pooh characters)
Tigger came over to sing Happy Birthday with Preston. What a memorable 3rd birthday. Too bad he won't remember it.
The food here was fabulous. I loved the buffets because then we didn't have to entertain the children while we waited for food.
Adam got his picture taken with his favorite princess ever. When he was younger Little Mermaid was his favorite Disney film. Well at least Ariel's singing. Too bad he married a women who sounds more like Scuttle.
We also got to eat dinner with the Princesses. You can see Tommy's excitement in his face.

My mother bought the birthday hat to use at all of the family birthdays. In this pic you can see how Preston's face painting has transformed into looking a little pound puppy-

So this is the way
Preston ended his birthday. What a way to ride. We had a great time, but we came back exhausted. I've decided that my kids would be great cruise children. Every few hours they wanted to go back to the hotel and go swimming. So I'm thinking they would love being on a cruise. That will be our next endeavor, but first I will need a while to recover from all that