My Christmas Present to you is an entry on my blog! Yes, you should feel so lucky.
Obviously we are busy, but I think that's a lame EXCUSE!! We've been busy these last 7 weeks since I posted, but not busier then usual.
I'm going to bed, because tomorrow is Christmas and we know how early that day starts.
So here are some pics to make you all feel warm and fuzzy.
We had cookie of the day for about a week, where we made a different cookie each day. Adam really liked this.

Here we are painting Christmas Ornaments. The kids loved it, and Preston did fine until he tried to eat the paint. Then he said he was done.

Paige was really excited to put out Santa's cookies and milk. She couldn't decide between milk and Hot Chocolate, but eventually went for the milk.
They went to bed great too. No crying or saying they wanted to stay up. They gave kisses and went to sleep. I checked on them a little past 8 and they were fast asleep. Miracle of Miracles.

Here we are all. I love this time of year and I love all the monsters in the picture with me. I have been blessed with beautiful and kind children and a husband who thinks that I am hot even when I am the size of a whale. These people are the reason that I get up in the morning. There is no gift that I could receive that would mean more to me than these faces.