To say that I'm excited, would be a very true statement. The girls wanted a girl and Tommy wanted a boy. Paige wants to name her Paige, but that doesn't really surprise any of us.
Everything looked good on the ultrasound, which was a big relief to us. My mom thought it was a boy, so she looked a little down when I said girl (BUT, I'm sure she will deny this).
Congrats! That is so exciting! The tie is now broken! Girls win!
Congrats!! I'm so excited for you! But wait a minute.. not that I'm complaining or anything, but wasnt this supposed to be a surprise? :o)
Laci, we wanted to keep it a surprise, but the kids wanted to know too badly.
And we knew they wouldn't be able to keep the surprise.
I think her name should be Abigail.
That name just has a certain, shall I say, ring to it.
luvs, aby
Fun fun! Congrats!
I WAS NOT down when you said girl... I just thought I saw something on the ultra there !!
Woohoo!! I'm glad you always get what you want when it comes to kids. I don't think naming another child Paige would be confusing at all. Why don't you try it for me and let me know how it goes.
congratulations! I completely agree that pregnancy makes you crazy. January, we can hardly wait!
Sorry Tommy. A little sister can be useful, though. Just teach her to do all your work for you.
Congratulations! Very exciting.
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