Thursday, September 10, 2009

IT'S A....

To say that I'm excited, would be a very true statement. The girls wanted a girl and Tommy wanted a boy. Paige wants to name her Paige, but that doesn't really surprise any of us.

Everything looked good on the ultrasound, which was a big relief to us. My mom thought it was a boy, so she looked a little down when I said girl (BUT, I'm sure she will deny this).


Lauren F. said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! The tie is now broken! Girls win!

Laci said...

Congrats!! I'm so excited for you! But wait a minute.. not that I'm complaining or anything, but wasnt this supposed to be a surprise? :o)

The Wehrmeister's said...

Laci, we wanted to keep it a surprise, but the kids wanted to know too badly.

And we knew they wouldn't be able to keep the surprise.

Aby Runyan said...


I think her name should be Abigail.

That name just has a certain, shall I say, ring to it.

luvs, aby

KJA said...

Fun fun! Congrats!

Nonnie said...

I WAS NOT down when you said girl... I just thought I saw something on the ultra there !!

elizabeth said...

Woohoo!! I'm glad you always get what you want when it comes to kids. I don't think naming another child Paige would be confusing at all. Why don't you try it for me and let me know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

congratulations! I completely agree that pregnancy makes you crazy. January, we can hardly wait!

Amy said...

Sorry Tommy. A little sister can be useful, though. Just teach her to do all your work for you.

Rebecca said...

Congratulations! Very exciting.