Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Change is coming...

in the weather.

My ankle has been hurting today, so I'm sure that my happy 70 degree weather is leaving me.


The Pagets in Florida said...

There is a HUGE storm warning southwest of KC. Maybe that is it.

Amy said...

Hey, I can predict the weather with my joints. It's like a superpower. We should combine forces.

The Wehrmeister's said...

Would this be the forces of good or evil?

Unknown said...

must be true...I feel it too.

Kiera said...

You are such a rock star! Not only do we have to drink "Obaba-aid" but now the weather is turning nasty! I allow myself to complain about only one season... I can complain about the blistering heat in the summer or the dreary cold of winter. I chose winter... Boy do I have a lot of griping to do!

Nonnie said...

Hey, Amy you and I could be the Terrific Threesome battling ouchies in the COLD winter months.Does that put a smile on your face? Here's one! :0)

Sam Ransom said...

Ohhh!!! I'm so sad!! I was loving the warm weather!!