Saturday, November 15, 2008

I don't ask for much

I don't ask for much, so here is my Christmas List:
  • A new mini-van: Preferably one were the handles do not come off and one where the Auto Shop won't know us by name. (Also one that doesn't constantly make a loud whizzing sound that for some odd reason is considered "Normal")

  • A house not connected to anyone else: Honestly I have great neighbors on both sides. But I'm done. I'm ready to be not connected. (Although I will say that if you could find me a 4bedroom Townhouse in St. Louis that was only $500 a month we would probably move in there for a few years.) So maybe I take that back. I don't really need to be unconnected, I just need to move the town homes to STL in June.

  • A Garage: I hate the winter, because I hate loading up all the monsters in the car, while trying to clean all the ice and snow off of it. I'm sure the whole "chasing Tommy" thing will make this winter even more "fun".

  • An Easy Bake Oven: Don't laugh. I've always wanted one. ALWAYS. Always been denied. I want one so badly (and no I am not joking) I remember using one at my friend's house, and I only got to be the "assistant" chef, because it was her oven. But no, no I don't need therapy.

  • A robot that Puts Clothes away: Self explanatory, I think. I mean they already have one that vacuums on it's own. They also have one that mops. Why can't I have one that flies around the house and neatly drops all of the clothes in the right drawers. I'm sure there would have to be a few prototypes to really get it right, but I'm willing to wait and work through it.

  • A Bedazzler: I have mentioned this in a previous post, yet I have still not recieved one. I'm even more excited, because on Red Neck Weddings I learned serveral new uses for it, that I hadn't even thought of.

  • A fountain Dispenser that only holds Diet Pepsi: A Glorious Idea if I do say so myself. I'm thinking Regular Diet, and Cherry Diet and Lime Diet... I'm sure my idea will catch on quickly and everyone will have them on their nightstand. (And yes, I know how awful a person I am for drinking soda and not letting my children drink it.)

  • Roller Skates: Not really practical I know. Just a thought.

  • A King Size Bed: Lately we have had many "visitors" join us in our bed at night. We don't all fit. I'm usually the one that suffers, so this would be a nice solution.

  • A King Size Room that would actually fit my New King Sized Bed: I don't know how the Co-Op would feel about us "expanding" our town home. We would probably have to chop down a tree or 2, but it would all be worth it if in the end I had my brand new King Sized Bed.

  • Noise Cancelling Headphones that only play "I will Survive" and "Don't cha wish your girlfriend were hot like me" : No explanation needed.

  • Tap Shoes

  • A NEW COMPUTER THAT WORKS: (Instead of one that doesn't have the Internet at all (or a functioning battery), one that doesn't turn on and one that only stays connected to the Internet for 7.5 minutes at a time)

  • A Nanny: I have recently discovered that Tommy doesn't know his colors and has no desire to learn them. Therefore I am failing as a mother and must have a temporary replacement.

  • A Vacation: This one gets tricky. Although I would like a vacation without the children, what I really want is a vacation where the kids are with us for half of the time. So I'm thinking, something like Adam and I go to Disney World for 4 days by ourselves. Then we have the monsters shipped to us for the remaining 3 days. I will have eaten enough Churros and gone on enough rides that I will be missing my children and be ready for them to join us.

So that is the first part of my list. I'm sure I will think of more later and update my list. Don't worry I won't hold it against you if you can only get me one thing from my list.


Nonnie said...

Okay, I know I didn't just read this: ROLLER SKATES !!! Roller skates for a woman who has a foot that PUDDLED on her. I know you didn't say roller skates !!! It's o.k. I'm breathing o.k. and my heart is back in my chest... Did you say roller skates ?? You will never be old enough for a easy-bake oven either

Amy said...

Michael wants an easy bake oven, too. Probably neither of you will get one. Sorry.

Lynette said...

That sounds perfect....when you mail your letter to Santa, will you please tell him I want all the same things...thanks!

The Pagets in Florida said...

2 things.

1. Ok, I understand about the van. Ours works pretty well, but it isn't a Kia. Most people get rid of theirs after the 3 year lease is over. I like our Grand Caravan and it is old... a 1997. Cheap as it was, it is still safe.

2. You do have 2 girls. Santa could find an easy bake oven there and give it to the daughters which could be the assistant chefs. And here's a link just in case you need a place to find one that is not new. There were 2 for sale. I was shocked.

The Pagets in Florida said...

ok, you have to paste this in piece by piece:

MAK said...

Those robots that put away loundery. I have two one called Grant and one called Emma. I'm also working on another but he's not that develped yet. They don't know how to fold yet thoughe.

Brandi Hastings said...

Wow! That looks similar to my list! :) Good luck on those things!

Amy said...

oh jen your humor cracks me up! i think i could agree with just about everyone of those!

Sam Ransom said...

Hehehehe!! Great list!! You should mail it to Santa!! It could happen!

Snow Whiteley said...

I don't have you for the sister swap do I? I'm getting lots of ideas, but I don't think these are within the spending limit.

Meg said...

That's perfect, since I still need to get you something for Christmas. I'm sure I could find a king size bed at DI for $20, don't ya think?

Rebecca said...

I think you should buy an Easy Bake oven for your girls then just use it when they're at school. Then the purchase is easily justified. (:

Kim said...

I want a lot of things that you want--a house not attached to anyone else, a new minivan, a robot to put away clothes. I probably don't need an easy bake oven since I don't even use the real one I have. I can't believe you said roller skates. Are you still delusional from the drugs?

Lyndee said...

Jen!!! Thanks for telling me about your blog! Oh wait you didn't. It's ok though, I forgive you. That's a pretty big wish list. it's a good thing you guys are almost done with school. We are soo jealous!

Anonymous said...

I love you Jen. Enough said.

Crystal and Billy said...

Move to O'Fallon! I bet you could find a super great deal on a townhouse. And I love it up here. You would, too! It's not too far to Baxter, I promise.

KJA said...

I loved your list. The first few, must haves - go for it girl!
And I don't care what your mom says, every girl must have an Easy Bake Oven & and I'm all for the roller skates - hey it might be helpful if you don't get the robot that puts clothes away. And if you combine the last two, you could have it all - A nanny while on vacation! :)

emily and adrian said...

Get the Easy Bake Oven for the girls, and use it for yourself!

Oh, and you forgot...don't you want a driver? Everyone has to have a driver! It's a real NEED!

Knowles Family said...

It's a little creepy how similar your list is to mine! Except for the roller skates and tap shoes(we've already had too many ER visits), the Easy Bake Oven (I made my mom save mine-it might still be good, just a few cobwebs!), and the garage (I already have one, it's just full of boxes because even a year after moving in I'm still in denial that we will stay here and refuse to unpack them). As for the fountain dispenser, mine would be like those juice bars they have on cruise ships. I'm right there with you for everything else in that list!!!