Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Look Who's 6! (Tomorrow)

So my sweet little girl is finally 6! You would think I'd be saying, "Wow time flies! I can't believe she's 6", but no not me. Kelly has been reminding me for the past month that she was going to be 6. She has marked the days on the calendar and has been counting down daily. It has been a very exhausting month. The only "joy" I have gotten from this countdown is that I have been able to say "Is that how an almost 6 year old would act?" (And yes I'm sure that I have WAY over used that phrase this month, but I'm the parent I'm in charge.) So today is the last day on\f her countdown.

One of the things I like about my children's birthdays is how I "relive" their birth each year (you'd think that would be good birth control? obviously not). Your first pregnancy and baby is so different then the rest. I remember my mom's friend thinking we were young for starting our family and would always say "Well, at least they get to grow up together". She was right too. We have sure had a good time "learning" how to be parents.

When I think of Kelly I think of her as Adam's and my first "joint project". All those years of imagining what my children would be like and who they would look like and how they would act and then one day...Kelly was here! I felt like I was still playing house. She is the child that I "imagined" for so many years. She is a kind child, a great sister and a loving daughter. She puts her siblings first and is always willing to wait her turn, knowing that the younger ones usually go first. At the end of the day she still finds comfort in her mother's arms and I treasure my time spent with her.

Her biggest flaw is that she still believes people. She believes her friends when they tell her they read big chapter books or that they are from Egypt. She believes that everyone tells the truth all the time. (Even when I try to explain otherwise). This is something else that I know won't last forever. I just pray that she will learn how to tell who is joking, pretending or lying. I guess if that is her biggest flaw (I mean besides the drinking and swearing) I should count my blessings. Happy Birthday Kelly!, Mommy loves you.

TIME FOR THE PICTURES!! Now If I were Super Mom I would have pulled out my favorite pictures, scanned them into the computer and them put them into some slideshow type thing with music to go with it. If I was feeling especially ambitious I would add some voiceovers of me and Adam telling Kelly how special she is. BUT I am no Super Mom. I went to my picture folder on my computer and scanned through to try to find some of her at various ages. I tried, but some of them are still not that great of pictures. Also, as you look at them try humming Tim McGraw's song called My Little Girl. It adds a touch of sappiness to the pictures.

Kelly on her Blessing day.

Kelly at 4 months old. Not the cutest picture of either of them, but like I said not many to choose from.

The first one is Kelly at about 15 months and the second one she is 2 1/2

Kelly on her 3rd birthday!

Here is Kelly at 3 1/2. She is holding baby Tommy.

Here is Kelly last week. She has decided that she likes to do the dishes after dinner. See she really is a good girl. (Yes, now I am bragging. Somebody should hit me)


The Payson Olsen's said...


Wow I can not believe she is 6 years old..... WOW how time flies..... We sure love you Kelly and miss you sooo much, Kamree says happy birthday too..... Hope you have a great birthday....

Love The Payson Olsens

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Kelly!

Snow Whiteley said...

I just can't believe how big she's getting.

Emily said...

Jenn, you've been tagged. Check out the fun on my blog at ejburneson.blogspot.com I can't wait to see your responding post.
Love Ya! Emily Burneson