And they work! He is now sleeping up to 8 hours at a time and then after he eats has no problem falling back asleep. It has been amazing. In fact my poor friend "Jenny" has been getting a phone call from me every morning thanking her for lending me the blankets. I'm sure that's going a smidge overboard, but the statue that I'm having built in her honor won't be completed till the spring so I thought that a phone call would have to do for now.
ETA: So I've even had a phone call regarding my post about this Miracle Blanket. I've only had a week with it and I already think it's amazing. I did do some homework (for a friend, cause I am that nice) and here are more reviews. (This one impressed me, because out of 24 reviews 21 gave 5 stars, 2 gave 4 stars, and only one person gave it 1 star)
See you don't have to just take my word for it.
YIPEEE! I understand your excitement and joy. There's nothing better than FINALLY getting rest after going through having a baby and the newbie stage. Would you happen to know anything more about this Jenny and other miracles she's worked? Perhaps, the solution to tantrums?
What are these blankets and where can I get one?? Do they work for older babies? Lainey is 5 months.
Go to I don't know how old they work up to, but it's worth a try. Preston is 3 months and 14 pounds and it is working for him.
This blog post leaves me intrigued, due to the sleep patterns of my now 2 1/2-year-old (as in: Pattern, what pattern?) so I’d consider using anything with the word "miracle" in it for my upcoming new arrival. I watched the demo on the website, but just wondered—do you feel like you’re strapping your kid into some kind of straight-jacket? Is the child uncomfortable... and/or resentful? Have you tried those other swaddle-blanket things that places like WM or BRU has for like ten bucks? Are those as effective? I need info.
Preston loves it. (as much as a 3 month old can love anything) He might be crying when we wrap him up, but he calms down once we are done wrapping. He even looks comfy to me when he's in it. It's not very thick either so you don't feel like he's going to overheat. In the middle of the night, he will wake up Just to eat and then falls right back asleep. It was a different story before the blanket.
I've never tried the knock off versions, but they "warn" you about them on the website.
So since I've never used the knock offs I don't know if they work. I just know that I was surprised at how well this one worked.
check out my post about swaddling....there are other ways to do it, and cheaper too. I used it for both Ethan and Emma, and it worked wonders!! I give all the info on where to find out more info and whatnot.
sorry, typo. it gives all the info on where to find out more information about it
I've swaddled all of my children as well, but this worked even better. It holds their arms by their sides. We were swaddling Preston before I borrowed these and it didn't do the same thing.
It is cool, I hope to someday have one for the next baby. No, i'm not preggers yet. lol. I'm SO glad Preston is sleeping better for you guys!! Extra sleep is ALWAYS a great thing!
Hi Jen, I've added your blog to mine:) Hope you don't mind but I liked reading yours. Ok, so my baby has the exact same issue (and she's the same age). I discovered this same type of blanket at Toys R Us but it's called Kiddopotamus. It was probably like $12 and it has a hole in the back of it so that you can use this on your baby while in the carseat. It's been wonderful for us, too. The only time she doesn't like it is if she's gassy and needs to move around a lot to work stuff out:). So yeah, amen to everything you've said. Oh, and you have cute kids, too:).
Just my two cents for all those care... I tried 4 other different "swaddle" blankets and several techniques (and trust me I would rather spend less...) and Davis got out of every one of them EVEN WITH DUCT TAPE (sounds cruel). But he would not sleep more than 3-4 hours without being swaddled - up to 6 months old. If your child is not Houdini, then other blankets might work, but this was the ONLY one that did. Stay strong sistas!
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