Saturday, September 6, 2008

Website of the Day

I've been hiding one of my favorite websites from my friends. I know I'm evil. It's actually been for selfish reasons as well. You see this website has all sorts of neat products to buy. You can come up with a ton of great ideas just by looking at some of these things.

Sooo I obviously haven't spread the word, because I would like my friends to believe that I came up with super ideas, when actually it wasn't me. It was a beautiful blonde from Las Vegas (although she is originally from STL, if that counts for anything.)

So those keychains I gave to my friends...not my idea. Sorry the truth would come out eventually.

So the only reason I am probably confessing is that it's almost one in the morning. Once I am sane again, I will most likely take this post off my blog so that I can keep it for myself.

Maybe someday I'll come up with a really good idea to blog about. I mean she goes around and finds "fun finds" I need a gimmick. Maybe I can find the crappiest things on the internet. Or maybe I can find free crappy things. Oh wait It needs to sound good together, doesn't sound like a winner. Maybe I should go to bed, and try to come up with a better idea in the morning.

Good Night!

OH and I really do think you should check out that website, just because I'm bitter and cranky doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to find fabulous fun finds.

Oh and just so you know, have a good laugh at "Naked Leapfrog" while you can. It will be coming down in a few days.

Not because I think that the Police are coming after me, it has more to do with that in 10 years from now I don't want my son to walk into a class and have someone say "Aren't you the boy who used to be play naked leapfrog. "

I'm sure that I'll save the pic for future moments where I want to make his life difficult, but I don't want him to know what cards I have... if you know what I'm saying. If you don't know what I'm saying it could be because the time is now 1:02 in the morning. I don't think I even know what I'm saying anymore. Oh well. Goodnight! Again.


The Pagets in Florida said...

bad hyper-link

The Wehrmeister's said...

Aaron, it was one in the morning. What do you expect? I fixed it though. So now you can be happy. Just to warn you, it's more of a website that your wife would like. Not that you don't like fabulous fun finds, but I think she would appreciate them more.

Heather said...

Thanks for posting my blog on your site. Feel free to take credit for any of the finds on the site!

Kiera said...

I LOVE this site... I can see why you kept it your little secret...

Snow Whiteley said...

The site is quite cool. But are you sure you really want to get rid of batmoon and leapfrog boy. I laughed again and again and again.

The Wehrmeister's said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nonnie said...

I LOVE my keychain !!!

Jennifer said...

This has nothing to do with anything, but...

So in the town where I live, there's this school bus for sale--it's red and silver, with fruit painted on the side. Whenever I pass by it, you come to mind.

The Wehrmeister's said...

That would be my dream car Jen! You should take a picture of it for me. Better yet, next time I'm in STL, I should drive over to see you, then you can lead me to the bus.

Nonnie said...

Jen, I think you should buy the school bus !!! It could be your dream house !! You could make it into a fruit museum.
love ya,

Sam Ransom said...

Okay I'm totally addicted to this site now! Everything is just soooo cute!