Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where were you at 1:30AM...

So while I was in the hospital recovering from surgery, Adam was in charge of the kids at home. He put everyone to bed and went to sleep with Tommy (in our bed). Then he woke up the next morning after a nice long refreshing night of sleep... wouldn't that have been nice if that was the whole story.

Apparently around 1:30AM my sweet neighbor Ali was taking something outside and heard crying across the street. She looked and who do you think she saw trying to get back inside the house? You guessed it , Mr. Tommy.

Hmmm... I wonder why I came home from the hospital soo quickly.


aLi said...

Um, Jen... I promise I wasn't taking the garbage out. I wasn't even coming home from a night out on the town. I am a mother of a newborn. I was just UP and I could hear Tommy crying. So, I went and did my neighborly duty, that is all. In my bathrobe, too. Yes, I am sweet. ha ha ha hah aha, whatever.

aLi said...

p.s. Are you OK for visitors??? We are wondering how you are doing!

The Pagets in Florida said...

So, this means another dead-bolt on the door or better yet those criminal tracking systems for house arrest.

Meg said...

That is soooo funny, and TOTALLY something Adam did when he was that age, only probably worse. The problem is, why do the wives always have to suffer through what their kids are doing now because of all the crap their husbands did when they were kids?! So Adam just slept through the night and didn't even wake up when she brought Tommy back home?

The Wehrmeister's said...

Yes I'm fine with visitors as long as you are fine with me not making any sense.

And Meg, My nice neighbor friend just opened the door for sweet Tommy and told him to go back inside, she didn't yell at Adam or anything. She should have though... I still can't believe he slept through that while I was at the hospital.

Aim said...

WHAT!?!? YOu must have freaked out!! Thank goodness he was old is Tommy again?

Amy said...

Oh Jen! I know you may be so miserable right now, but your stories always make me smile and laugh! I can only picture Tommy out there by himself...I asked Ryan I wonder when that will happen to us!If you need more meals just let me know! I would love to help out!

Snow Whiteley said...

Oh Jen.

Rebecca said...

Yikes Jen! I would have freaked! Either that or swallowed an extra happy pill or something. (: I'm glad your neighbor was up and at the same time I'm laughing--not that Tommy got out, but how is it that some men can sleep through all that?!

Anonymous said...

Good thing for your family that your neighbor is disposing of dead bodies in the middle of the night.

G'pa and G'ma Woody said...

Ali's mom here: Just checking up on Ali and I saw your link. I remember you and your beautiful children. TOO funny about little Tommy! How did he get inside? Did Miss Ali put him in? Whaddya do?
And you broke your ankle? There ought to be a law against mom's being hurt/disabled/sick. Re-read Russell M. Ballards last conference talk for comforting words to moms. And a special thanks to you, Jen. I copied your Jeffrey Holland quote, printed it and it is now on my fridge as my "Quote of the Year to Memorize." It is beautiful.
Happy Healing in Missouri!

Jane who is married to Grandpa Woody, but she is too lame to get her own identity and is living through her husband. :)