Friday, May 23, 2008

You might just pee your pants

My mother started a blog.
No really I'm not joking. Most of my friends know my mother. If you know me, than you know my mother. She happens to be one of my very best friends. And yes we have an odd relationship, but it is our relationship and you can't pick on it.

So back to the point. My mother (yes the one who has my FATHER send most of her emails) has decided to start a blog. I think this is crazy talk coming from the women who doesn't know how to turn on the computer.

I actually should start a poll to see how long it will last. Do you think she will get more than one post or try and post daily? Maybe she will make it through the Summer and then quit. I'm not really sure yet, but I almost peed my pants when she told me (So not really, but I could have.)

Well good luck mom! I wish you well on your journey into the blogging world. And I hope you had a wonderful birthday, even though we were not there to share it with you.

Now everyone must go and read her first post, please don't pick on any spelling errors or anything, I don't know if she could handle the critique this early in her Blogging Experience.


Karen said...

Hey, I set it up for her and am gelping her. Don't make fun of her!!!! I'll make sure she continues. We should all be praiseing her for fianally posting because I set this at least a month ago!!.


Karen said...

Don't laugh at my spelling, I forgot to check it.

Karen said...

helping not gelping :)

Nonnie said...

This is Nonnie,the blogger (I like the sound of that) and Ms. Jennifer I'm here to STAY!!! Give my babies hugs for me. I love you

This Is Our Heaven.... said...

Jen, thank you for your sweet words on my "venting" post! Your so awesome! And your so right on, we do have children to make our life better. Your an awesome friend Jen, thank you a million!!

The Pagets in Florida said...

I am impressed that you could pee in your pants that easily. I would think it really hard to make yourself do.

The Wehrmeister's said...

Nope Aaron, not after 4 children.