Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home...

I have used the excuse "I have been with them all day long", but I have to be happy that they don't think I am a human jungle gym. That would probably make my day seem longer.


Anonymous said...

That's so cute...
It looks like you havae a million kids though all of a sudden!
Thanks for your sweet, sweet post.

Berrett's said...

That's a freakin cute pic of your hubbie and all the kiddos!! You sure have a cute family...but you already knew that... ;) love ya!

Meg said...

I think the guys like being a human jungle gym, so don't feel sorry for him. Besides, they look so cute!

Lynette said...

I got your comment on my blog about the tutu. Yep, i made it and it is super easy. You can find lots of instructions online if you just google "no sew tutu instructions"...good luck!

Gram said...

What a great picture! I love your new haircut, too! The kids are darling, of course, and they all look so happy. Yep, Adam is a good one to climb all over - you can tell he loves it! I love reading your blog. The one Adam entered was pretty funny. Your kids can't help but have a great sense of humor because you both are sooooo funny!!! Love you.

Larry said...

I love watching Adam roughhousing with the kids, He is the sun ,the moon, and the stars to them. I especially love when he wants to speak with them, he will get their attention and quietly and lovingly tell them what they need to know. Adam and Jen,YOU DONE GOOD !! Keep on loving each other and my babies too.
Love Nonnie

Rebecca said...


Glad you found the blog, I had found yours about a week ago, then saw your mom at stake enrichment and I realized I should leave a comment so you know someone else was tracking you. After all, my St. Louis dot blends in with all the others. (: Kids look great. Give us a buzz when you're in town.

Brandi Hastings said...

What a fun picture! I would have to agree with you on the fact that I would probably fall apart if my kids labeled me as the jungle gym rather than my husband. I have to respect them for their willingness!