Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Strangers among us...

So a couple months ago, my friend mentioned to me that many people have these "People Trackers" on their blog. This "People Tracker" tells you where the people live that visit your site. This concept seemed to creep her out some (As in she didn't want people to know that she was stalking them). I also thought it was odd. The part that I thought was odd was that sometimes it appears in a list form that takes up a lot of space (in my opinion). It looks odd to me, which is why I chose the pretty map on the bottom of my page.

Here is the part that I like! I get to see a map of anybody that reads my blog. Sometimes when I sit here and write, I think "Is anybody there, Does anybody care? Does anybody see what I see" (Actually that is from the musical 1776, but I thought it was appropriate.) So it's nice to see that people have stopped by to check up on us crazies in the Mid-West.

Tonight I looked at my super cool map and I have realized that I have a following of strangers around the district of Columbia, and about a dozen people in the state of Utah know me. I have also learned that my blog has gone global... (not really just a couple people outside of the US, but "Going Global" sounds much better.)

So here is my new problem... I want to know who these people are! Someone in Germany stumbled onto my blog and I want to say Gutentag! (that's German right?) Then I see someone in Dallas has come by "Jen's Blog-o-Fun" and I don't know anybody in Dallas, But I'd like too!

I can see how some might find strangers reading their blog a little Freaky... but anyone who knows me knows I am a little Freaky. I admit I've read strangers blogs and I've enjoyed it, but then again... I am a little strange.

So am I alone? Does anybody else read stranger's blogs?? And have you ever left a message on a strangers blog?


This Is Our Heaven.... said...

lol, you crack me up Jen! I actually do read strangers blogs sometimes....its kinda fun. And I also have one of those people tracker things on my blog....and people from china, and africa, and south america started showing up and it started freaking me out. Thats why I put my blog on private. I don't know those people, and there are some really weird people out there. It would be sooo easy for someone to find out exactly where we live and do who knows what. So anyways, yeah, it can be a little freaky sometimes. Personally, I would rather be safe than sorry. And besides, my blog is for family and friends, not for strangers across the world.

Lynnsey said...

I think I count as one of the half dozen in Utah "strangers". Not for long though, so if you start seeing Ohio strangers...that would be me again. Thanks for blogging so that I have something to check during nap time! Hope you guys are doing well. See you in May

Lynnsey Kimball

The Wehrmeister's said...

Lynnsey, You don't count as a stranger. In fact,I tried to leave a comment on your blog yesterday, but I couldn't because I'm not a member and it wanted me to sign up or something and I'm just too lazy for anything like that.

aLi said...

Hey Jen- I'm in Utah right now, so that's why another Utah person may show up right now. ALSO, you are a link on my blog. SO, my family members in Utah and perhaps North Carolina can check your blog out. let me know if you'd like me to remove you from my list. I don't want to because I have you listed as "favorite" and why would I want to remove a favorite item from my blog?

The Wehrmeister's said...

No Ali, you don't have to remove me. I actually think it's funny. I have now found 4 out of 5 of my original college roommates, from blog hopping. So I really don't mind. Plus maybe I'll get some German Christmas presents out of this deal!

Lynette said...

Oh Jen, how I've missed you!!! You are hilarious!! I definitely look at other peoples blogs..usually the friends of a friend, you know what I mean? I haven't ever left a comment on a strangers blog though...not yet atleast!

Meg said...

I read strangers' blogs; that's how I've gotten to know you so well! And you even read my blog too. And your Utah fan base may grow because I tell all my friends to read your blog because it is so funny. Well, not all my friends, but I told my friend Stefanie yesterday to go see your talent show video. A lot of my friends have gone private because of strangers looking at their blog. I need to add a tracker and see what happens. My friend had a stranger tell her she's been reading her blog and has decided she likes her. Hmmmm. Anyways, congrats on going global!

The Pagets in Florida said...

Yes, No, No.

emily and adrian said...

Hellooooo? How else are your children going to become famous??!!
I will admit to semi stalking total strangers. Sometimes looking at other blogs is....well, it's kind of like reading US Weekley...exciting at first, and then you feel all hungover from "wasting the days."
I hope someone out there is fascinated with my life, though I highly doubt it.
You know, you are a clever could really toy with these strangers through your blog. Kind of like the celebs are doing with the papparazzo!

Gram said...

Can't say I've ever looked at a stranger's blog - don't know how to find anyone else's but your's and Meg's and that's only because Meg sent me the e-mail with her address and you were linked - now you are on my favorite sites. I have shared your blog with a few of my friends so they can enjoy your humor and the pictures of people I love! You all look great. Hope to see you in the near future either here or there! Love you all and miss you. Gram

Anonymous said...

Of course I look at strangers blogs, but no comments yet. And where do you get the tracker??? My friend Joy gets over 1000 hits a day from people she has no idea who they are!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't even have a blog,maybe, someday when I grow up,you could show me how.

Lauren F. said...

I am probably one of the ones from D.C. . . Lauren Stromberg (now Funk) here, and I stumbled upon your blog from Amanda, Denae and Aimee's blogs. So ya, count me in as a blog stalker from afar!!!

Alana said...

Hello from Utah. I found your fun family blogspot through a mutual friend a couple weeks ago when I was in St. Louis visiting my family. Congradulations on such a beautiful family! I am glad that you all are doing well.
-Alana Titus (Jarvis)

Carrie Merino said...

Hi Jen,
I'm one of the Pennsylvania "strangers". I found your blog via Kim and Rich. Do you remember me? I was your roommate for like 4 months -- Carrie Gilstrap. Anyway, I totally copied your blog and put a map on mine.

Anonymous said...

Just so you are aware, one of the strangers in Utah is Lisa know, married to Sam Weaver, Jennifer Edwards twin. You get the idea. Now you know.