Thursday, February 21, 2008

Help! Another Snow Day!!

I am soo over this winter season. I'm done. I quit. I really do. I mean I love my monsters, but they want to go to school. You know it's been a long winter when they are even annoyed with a snow day. So pray for me today. Preston is still sick and on breathing treatments and I still have to finish my talk for Saturday's Stake Enrichment... I feel like tapping my ruby slippers together to get to March. March will be a good month. I can feel it already.

On a brighter note, Tommy's English is progressing. He is starting to sound more human like everyday. He now tries to speak in sentences and has more of an opinion on things. Adam said he now has a personality besides "Dog". That's what we referred to him as before. Mostly because he preferred barking over English and he liked to crawl around and jump on his siblings, so I'm sure you can see the similarities to a dog.

Well if I have time to blog I should probably be working on my talk instead. I'm sure you guys have already caught on that I don't want to work on it, and I am just trying to delay the inevitable. Okay well if you are in the Kansas City area on Saturday DON'T COME to the Stake Enrichment.

Aren't they cute! You don't have to answer that question, I already know they are.

So he can speak! We don't always understand the sentences, but we are excited that he is trying. He is definitely my slowest talker yet.

Here is Preston at 4 months. He has broncilknljoitis right now so I have him on breathing treatments. Oh the joy! It's like having Kelly all over again.


Leslie said...

thanks for the advice. Did you use benedryl or what? Oh I hope it doesn't make her hyperactive-- thanks for the tip. Sounds like you've got your hands full there in KC. Good luck with everything. Hey you may not be in St. Louis right now, but you had your sister come visit.. That's almost just as good!

Anonymous said...

Get better Preston! Good luck on your talk Jen! And congratulations Tommy! I'm sooo with you on this Winter. I'm ready to move & never see Winter again. It's amazing how similar all your little guys look. They're adorable.

Aim said...

Jen, I am starting to hate winter too! I want it to go away so badly...your babies are so cute. Poor Preston, I remember when Christian had RSV, twice. It was horrible. Hang in there!

Snow Whiteley said...

Good luck on the talk tomorrow!!! Love ya bunches.

Kim said...

Ryan gets asthma when he gets a cold so he gets breathing treaments, too. It's kind of the pits but he's pretty cooperative.

The Wehrmeister's said...

I wish Preston could take directions well. I mean he's already 4 months.

aLi said...

Let's fire February. I'm just plain done with this month, too! And I sincerely hope March is much better.
I missed your talk yesterday... I'm sure you did a fantastic job, I would've loved to have been entertained by you!