- found a gym for my kids to take gymnastics
- The kids love the neighborhood pool, and I am soooo excited to hear them ask if they can go on a daily basis all summer long.
- Preston hasn't broken anything... yet.
- The kids start summer school in a week
- Tommy told us that he goes to fireman school in the middle of the night and that they let him carry the hose (I am glad because before he told me that he was going to school in the middle of the night, but he said that he had a problem with missing his bus...)
- Adam starts work on Tuesday. He received his license number last week and is ready to go.
- I will miss him, I really like him and enjoy his company and corny jokes and odd sense of humor. These past few weeks have been fun working together on house projects.
- Preston is officially for sale. The only stipulation is that I want him back in about 6-8 months when he says more words and makes less of a mess.
- The kids are semi-adjusting. All 3 of them burst into tears occasionally missing someone. Whether it is a teacher or a friend or a friend's house.
- I have done remarkably well at living a lie. I still don't believe that I live here and keep waiting to get back to my friends.
- I really need to start branching out and trying to meet people, but honestly I don't have a desire to right now. I don't know what my problem is. Normally I love meeting new people. I'm not feeling the love yet, hopefully someone will be able to put up with my constant sarcasm and agree to be seen with me...
And for all of you Kansas Cityites, if you are wondering if I miss you... the answer would be yes. I'm staying strong for the kids though and trying not to think about it. I miss my girls nights, and book club (bachelorette). I miss my special friends that always showed up at the right moment. I miss opening my door and seeing MY naked child on the other side. I miss the girls that I could call on and count on. I know I will find some here, but I think of myself as pretty picky and I sure did have an amazing group of friends.
So yes, life has gone on. But I'm fighting it every step of the way. Love you guys and miss you (except for the ones I didn't like. I probably don't miss you as much... hopefully they didn't read my blog though)
(joking of course, some of you will believe everything you read)