The monsters didn't have school Monday or Tuesday. With my "visitor" the cold, that would have been a not good thing. Extra children around when you can't breathe through your nose is not really a happy thought for me. BUT I had VISITORS!!! YEAH for me!
My father had President's day off (Well and all the other days still, because he is still job hunting) So they decided to come and visit for a couple days. They got in Sunday night, and mom came right on in with a casserole. She drove across the state of Missouri with a casserole just for my family. (She's fabulous, I already know this.)
They left me on Tuesday afternoon, and we were all so sad to see them leave. (especially since I can't breathe through my nose.)
I've decided that maybe I could yodel. This has nothing to do with anything, but really I think my voice changes pitch (if that's the right word for what my voice does) alot so maybe yodeling would be for me. Or there is always pig calling. I know that you need a lot of "vocal range" for that one too... Just something for me to look into.