Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Laziest Over-Achiever around
This whole back to school time has been busy, too busy. It goes against everything us lazy people believe in. First we have back to school night, where somehow I ended up signing up for 2 committees and girls scouts. While there they also tell us about Parent/Teacher Orientation the following week (you mean I have to go back to the school?).
Luckily that is on Thursday, because on Tuesday I have New Scout Leader Orientation (Oh, did I forget to mention that on a whim I said I'd be the Assistant Daisy Troop Leader), Wednesday I have a Townhome Board meeting (because while I was sitting at home twiddling my lazy thumbs I decided that the lazy people of the townhomes needed some quality representation). Sooo that leaves Thursday open for my Orientation on how to be a Parent. I wish that they had this orientation when my children were born, I feel like it is several years past due.
Lately I've been feeling kind of guilty about calling myself lazy. I know that legally I am a card carrying member of the laziness club, but if I keep up this whole "volunteering to look cool" bit, I will have to drop out, I guess that really isn't a big deal though because us lazy people are too lazy to have meetings for our club.
Well, I guess I'm done rambling now, so I will go. But I thought I should put in a few disclaimers.
- I started this post a few days ago, but was too lazy to post it, soo that's why the days with my meetings have come and gone.
- I didn't have any pictures of me being lazy, because well... lazy people don't take pictures of that often, SO I thought that I would add in a few pictures that I have been too lazy to put on here before.
Preston drives for the first time.
Poppy has a Grandbaby party
Two cute little girls, looking cute. Their hair was much cuter at the beginning of the night, but this was the end result.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Today was: Pretend we only have boys Saturday
Look at cutie patootie and his mom. We really did have a good time. Tommy is so different from the girls. He's like tons of fun with less hormones.
So after we had our fun time with the trains, We went to our first Air Show. The girls have never really been interested in planes, so we haven't been. But now that we have 2 little boy monsters it adds a whole new set of fun things for the family to do.
Here we are riding the shuttle over to the planes. I think this was a highlight for Tommy. He just sat there and stared out the window.
Tommy was in charge of the diaper bag (although he thought it was his bookbag)
My cute man is still short on words, so moments like these I would just love to know what he is thinking. Obviously he is deep in thought.
Brotherly love. We really did have a fun day together.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Just a thought...
Yeah, thats right. I'm a wimp.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Blue Steel
Who's that Hot Sexy Mama... Oh oh it's me!
Monday, August 18, 2008
From Tea Parties to Toy Trucks
Which leads me to my new life! Toy trucks, Choo choo trains and constant wrestling matches! Oh what a life. I am now home with 2 boys. I no longer have my 2 princesses to play dress up and tea party with. I am now the mother to fire fighters, ninja warriors and rail road conductors.
I am actually pretty excited about this next step in my life. Anyone who knows me knows that as much as I make my girls look perfect, I was SO NOT a girly girl growing up. I was a jeans, tshirt and quick ponytail kind of girl. In fact in 5th grade my best friend told me that she admired me for not caring that my socks didn't match. (I had never even thought about it. I would just grab what was convenient)
As much as I have enjoyed the past 6 1/2 years of Girlifying my life I am looking forward to running to the store without having to worry about brushed hair, bows and ruffle socks. As long as the shoes light up, Tommy will wear them.
So here are some pics of Paige on her way to school. And some pics of the boys celebrating their house free from sisters!
Actually the boys just went into the kitchen and are being quiet... I better go.
See Shoes!! I wouldn't let her go without them
Oh and the celebration begins! Believe it or not Tommy is pretty easy on Preston. Well, usually.
Preston showing how cute he is when he stands up. Even though that is the basement door and it could come flying open at any minute.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ode to Beautiful Children!
Annual 1st Day of School Picture on Porch
Annual First Day of School Picture with Parents
Annual First Day of School Candid Shot
Annual 1st Day of School Picture with sister on Front Porch
Annual 1st Day of School Picture on Bus with friends
Delaney, Sophie and Kelly. Too bad that sticker is in the way
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Memory Lane (Totally Cheesy, but come on)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I wish I lived in a Musical
All I want is a room somewhere... Now is the time to sieze the day!...We've got trouble my friends, right here in River City... Do you hear the people sing singing the songs of angry men... I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.
So obviously I just got back from seeing Mama Mia!, which I loved, because it reminded me that my dream is to live in a musical. I want to be able to break into a show tune and have everyone follow along. I want to start doing my over choreographed dance and have the world dance right beside me. I want to sing and for the notes to be on key!
(Obviously this is not a realistic dream, but give the broken leg girl a break... get it give her a break oh never mind)
I remember when I first moved out to Utah to go to school, I was only 17 (is anyone else suddenly thinking of the Dancing Queen song... oh nevermind again) I had 5 fabulous roommates who were not expecting to get a young one for their roommate. They probably were even more horrified when I wanted to memorize a song and dance and take it to a grocery store and suddenly break out in song. I thought it would be neat to start with a tapping foot, then add a whistle then before you knew it we would be pushing our carts running down the aisles and we would all be singing the same song!
Doesn't it sound amazing.
Well obviously my dream never panned out (Even though if I remember correctly I think I did have a couple of takers).
The closest thing I have now is an adorable husband who ALWAYS thinks he knows the words to a song. And if he doesn't he just mumbles his way through. I do have a good red-headed friend that will join me on every song I start. She makes me feel not so strange.
I'm really not getting anywhere with this post so I better go to bed since it's 1am. I will leave you with this.
Next time you are in the grocery store and you hear a little humming or whistling, don't be afraid to break into song and dance. Do it for me! Just think, What Would Jen Do?