Well... I numbered them wrong. When I turned to page 3 I realized it was actually page 4 and that some how page 2 had ended up at the end. I'm sure that I'm confusing you, but I was more confused. Luckily my talk was on humor, and the sisters seemed to find it amusing.
I just feel so relieved to have it over with. It's been in the back of my mind since she asked me back in December, that's a long time to have to worry about giving a talk. It could have been worse too, I could have been asked to give a talk on a serious subject, but I can handle Humor.
So as a reward for my talk, I have been blessed with a great day! I mean nothing spectacular happened, it's just been one of those days where you sit back and appreciate everything you've been given. Today felt like a Percocet all rolled up into a day.
It started out that I had to take the 4 kids to church by myself. Adam is the Stake Clerk and that means on top of his weekly meetings he has to go to all of the Ward Conferences. It averages out to be about one a month, which is really not too bad until you factor in the children.
So this was my first time with all of them by myself at church and it could have gone HORRIBLY, but instead I found it to be a very pleasant experience. I sat there watching my children be reverent, Paige did take 3 pieces of bread, but still they were great. I kept thinking to myself. "Wow, we've done something right" I'm sure all parents feel like they are lacking at times, I know I feel that way a lot. Not today though, today was a day where I got to appreciate my children. They really are good kids.
I'm sure tomorrow they will be having their whiny moments, but today was heavenly.
I don't have any pictures that go along with it, so I'll just add some random ones.
I told you I was going to get random, This is going to be the cover for my next Christmas card, it will say something like "You can only Dream of looking this good!" or "I'd give you a piece of pie, but I ate it all" Either would be true. It's actually from a pie eating contest this past Summer.